Car Alterations*
23 February 2009
It’s lazy Sunday afternoon and my mobile phone rings. It’s Davo. Usually when we call each other there’s a bit of silly brotherly banter and maybe an impression of our Dad… but not this time there’s a no-nonsense tone in his voice.
“Now listen carefully man. I’m serious. I’ve had an accident in the car. I’m Ok and in Launny in the Hospital.”
My guts sink in me. “You ok then?” I ask.
“It’s a write off."
“Oh well don’t worry about that.” (I‘ve always had a love hate relationship with that car).
“Do you want me to pick you up?” I say looking at Christine to see if it’s ok.
“I’ll leave straight away seeya soon.”
I don’t think I’ve moved faster out the door in my life. Redbull check. Water check, ipod check, and I’m off. The road isn’t too busy and the traffic is light. I drive with the headlights on and the speedo bang on 110. Drink water, overtake, Campbell Town, egg and bacon pie. Time moves quickly. Two hours pass.
Davo walks out to meet me as I pull up outside the hospital. I give him a big hug that he probably doesn’t like. He tells me what happened. He’s pretty calm, Dave and are usually are pretty calm when s**t hits the fan. He tells me how the car slid off the road and how the tree just missed him. He tells me how people picked him up with all his bike stuff and helped him strip the car of it’s small Sony stereo and battery. We spend 15 mins talking to the insurance company to make sure they can recover the car before heading.
We pick up Davo’s stuff from a short stocky friendly guy we chuck it in the back of my newly fixed Corolla… it all fits. We drive back. We talk but don’t chit chat much, we don’t need to. We’ve travelled together many times before. It’s like communicating in code. We get back and it’s about 9pm. I drop Dave off after visiting Mum and Dad who are surprisingly calm.
It’s 10pm and wearily open the door to our flat.
“That you Mike?”
“I’m having some strong contractions.”
*Davo thought of this title.
5 shamefully bad CDs I've bought
22 February 2009
- Celine Dion - Best of
- Maria Carey – Best of
- Spice Girls – Their first Album
- Michael Bolton – Single
- Avril Lavigne - Album
tags blog, shameless self promotion
I don't like Bible study but I do like Tim.
19 February 2009
Now don't get me wrong. It's not that I don't like the Bible or studying the bible itself. What I'm talking about are small groups that weekly read through a passage in the Bible with a series of set (or unset) questions. Let me try and pin why I don't like it.
- It always feels out of control and messy. Sometimes it can feel like everyone wants to have their little say but we just don't get anywhere.
- I'm not always awesome thinking on my feet and often struggle to "get" what people are saying.
- Sometimes they end up pointless arguments over small things.
- I never feel totally confident leading a study. I used to spend hours and hours preparing for studies and was still wracked with self doubt.
- I freak out a bit when I can't answer every question.
- It's worth noting this is my personal feeling and not a reflection on others. On the flip side I really enjoy 'one to one' and preaching... but just not Bible study.
Tim you get the award for being a Christian I truly respect.
*Just so you know I'm stopping the MENS study to free myself up to run another Bible study here at Jane.
tags christians i respect, friends, thinking
Shameless Olivia Promotion
17 February 2009
More pictures over on Facebook.
tags pictures, shameless self promotion, update
Welcome to the world little girl
16 February 2009
Born 7:20am 16th February 2009
tags christine, pictures, shameless self promotion, update
671 posts and counting
13 February 2009
I've finished the process of stitching this blog and my old blog together. It's a relatively new feature on blogger but a really useful one. You can now read all I've ever written dating back to 2006 when I started blogging as supportMIKE.
- I've also updated and fixed broken links between the two blogs.
- I've been over the 170 or so posts from my old blog and tagged them and done a little tidying of spelling etc.
- I've fiddled with my template a bit and enlarged the regular size text to make it easier to read.
- I've also updated my interests and reworked my blogger profile.
Planet X... in grade 4
12 February 2009
This is a story I wrote in about grade four. I don't think I took it very seriously. Our teacher was Miss Ross. She was a bit older. My brother stuffed gum nuts up the exhaust pipe of her car. I didn't like her. Anyway I digress... on with the story.
It was a windy day on the Planet X. Zinca who had big teeth was on duty to make sure nobody went to the castle. There was a visitor on Planet x who didn't know anything about the planet. he walked up to the house and opened the door. Immediately he was pulled to the ground and killed.
By Michael J
tags pictures, shameless self promotion
It's time to change
11 February 2009
Drum roll please. I've finally got round relaunching my blog as promised. You'll notice a whole new look. I've been fiddling with this template for a while now. I think I'm almost happy although I'm not settled on the tabs in the bar. Feedback is always appreciated.
I'm not sure if or when I'll come back to paid church ministry stuff in the long term. There are possibilities around but that will be for 2010. As I've stated previously my current job search is for a regular style job. In the mean time I intend to keep blogging and ranting about all the stuff I usually do.
Enjoy the new look post supportMIKE... during the twilight years.
*EDIT* I have also stitched my old blog to this blog. I'll fix all the links over the next few days.
Let's play nice ok?
Anonymous comments annoy me. It's no big secret.
Generally people on this blog keep their comments constructive but there are always a few that slip through. I try very hard to have a thick skin. Some of the harshest comments on this blog have stood because people used their name, but similar things said anonymously I have deleted.
Making anonymous comments isn't usually a constructive exercise. I liken it to walking into a party wearing a ski mask and proceeding insult the host and fellow guests in a loud voice. Responding to anonymous comments is also frustrating. I don't know who you are or your background. It may be simple misunderstanding or maybe I have actually offended you and should apologise. I also don't know whether you are a Christian or not*. There are any number of alternative options available to the anonymous commenter
- Use a pseudonym.
- Send me an email or facebook me.
- Talk to me face to face.
- Finally, not read my blog.
So let's all play nice ok?
*These sorts of simple things can make a difference as some posts are written from within a (admittedly my) Christian world view.
Porn Questions...
06 February 2009
Hey Mike,Dear X
I’m Christian bloke dating a Christian girl. Should I tell her that I used to have a problem with pornography?
Thanks heaps X
It’s really difficult for this situation to go well either way. On the one hand fessing up is the best and most honest thing to do. Being transparent and open in a relationship especially one leaning toward marriage is very important. The point at which to do this in the relationship is harder to pin down (probably not on a first date). Let your conscience guide you.
On the flip side telling your girlfriend about your porn problem nearly always leads her to feeling betrayal and deep mistrust of you for what you’ve done. I also think the longer you leave it to tell her about the problem (eg. When you are married) the greater the damage to relationship. One friend of mine didn’t confess to his wife till after they were married. They needed to visit a counselor to work though their issues.
If you choose to tell her you need to be sensitive to her feelings. You need to validate her feelings and seek to empathise and understand how she feels. It’s right for her to feel shock, anger and betrayal. Explain to her you aren’t proud of your actions. Importantly you must tell her you’ve sought forgiveness from God. Next show her the steps you’ve put in place (accountability etc) to make sure that you don’t make the mistake again.
Finally if you find this becomes a burning issue in your relationship seek help and advice. The best thing for you to do would be to sit down with a Godly married couple preferably younger (I think it’s difficult for older people to understand the problem or porn let alone to talk about it) or alternatively a qualified counselor. They can take you through and help both of you get perspective on the issue.
Trust that helps
God bless Mike
tags christian, ministry, thinking
My epic Corolla Seca... the story continues
05 February 2009
I've blogged about my car before and people weren't hugely interested but I'll persist anyway. Please know dear reader that I heard you inwardly groan as you read the title of this post. Still with me? Well read on I'll be brief. As reported back here my car looked a little like this...The insurance company wrote the car off and gave me $4000 dollars and the wreck back... that was in September last year. Much time and effort later Jonny and I finally got it back on the road.
You can see all the rest of the photos of the build over on facebook here. The job isn't completed quite yet. Next week it'll visit the body works then after that the air conditioning will be re gassed. Don't worry I'll keep you posted.
tags cars, linkage, pictures, shameless self promotion
Are you a real Atheist?
03 February 2009
A very good and interesting article over at the Sydney Morning Herald. Here's a quote to get your juices pumping.
"For a large number of people the tag "atheist" functioned as a protest against formal religion. Something similar to this may lie behind the rise of "no religion" in this country."You can read more of John Dickson's article here.
tags christian, linkage, thinking