supportMIKE News VII

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ

It’s been a while since I last pumped out one of my supporter newsletters. In honesty I’ve been finding it more difficult to write things this year as I’ve been a little less motivated and have not been feeling my usual enthusiastic self.

The year has not felt really busy but in reality it has been. I’ve been spending large amounts of time in the church office acting as Crossroads secretary two days a week and also organising most of the administration for the MTS Challenge Conference later in the year. This has been a growing experience and given me a new appreciation for people who work in administration.

Mikey has been assuring me that all this work is worthwhile. Deep down I know that it’s good for me to get some experience doing this sort of stuff but it still can be trying. Doing things you don’t enjoy is great for growing me and helping me to learn patience and perseverance. Work can’t always be fun with carnivals and explosions. In some ways it feels like I’m beginning my apprenticeship all over again.

Christine has been a great encouragement to me during my transition to Crossroads, a wonderful partner, listening ear, and patient friend. Over the past three months she has been leading a women’s small group at church. This has been most successful at encouraging the women at church to continue to look out for each other especially the mothers. Aside from the small group Christine has also been working on her last few semesters of theological studies. She continues to do very well and I’m very proud of her. In a couple of weeks she’ll be speaking on grace at Women’s Winter Festival.

I’ve been working hard at getting to know the beast that is Crossroads Church. There’s a lot of things to take in and try to understand. To do this well it often feels like I have to learn to live inside Mikey’s “getting things done” mind. Working with Mikey has also given me an understanding of just how much stuff he actually does and how much energy it requires. It’s been really encouraging.

Our Crossroads Tuesday Night meeting (affectionately known as Toilet Block Tuesdays. Become a fan on Facebook!) continues to go strongly. We have a good mix of people coming along. A couple of weeks ago I preached at our meeting which I really enjoyed despite not having prepared as well as I would have liked. Sunday Morning Crossroads (affectionately known as Crossroads House) has also been a source of encouragement. It’s great to see our families melding together into a cohesive unit, forming a good house church vibe.

In spite of not actively searching out blokes to meet up with, I ended up meeting up with some anyway. Clearly this is part of my ministry that I’m naturally drawn to and God continues to use me in. I’ve been deeply encouraged to see the gents and ladies at FOCUS continue on with the vision that we worked so hard together on last year. A few of the blokes have kept in contact and have served to help keep me keen and motivated for ministry.

My work at Jane continues to yield great evangelistic opportunities. Jane has taken up more time than I probably realised it would. However I have had many opportunities to discuss and chat with many students matters of belief and faith. Working in an environment like this has been great to keep my mind, wit and thinking young and sharp.

Also if you’d like to support me further please feel free donate (Crossroads Presbyterian Church BSB: 067 100, Account number: 10209867). Alternatively you can always get in contact with me (see below).

Please keep Christine and I in your prayers

Cheers and God bless

*NOTE* All pictures brought to you by the new Jane Franklin Hall driveway project.



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