supportMIKE news VI
02 March 2008
Dear Supporters
The big news is that after much consideration I have resigned my position at FOCUSutas as an MTS apprentice. I’ll be transferring the remainder of my apprenticeship over to Crossroads Presbyterian Church. My employment as part of the FOCUSutas team finished at the end of Feburary 2008
I decided that the best course of action would be for me to resign for a number of reasons. Firstly I’m a complex person who needs support in what I do. Sam by his admission wasn’t able to provide the level of support I needed in order to continue.
I have and will always have a great deal of respect for Sam and his learning knowledge and ministry. However being on the same page theologically sometimes just isn’t always enough and I’ve learned that my personality isn’t cut out for working with everyone.
Secondly, even though I was able to do a great deal of good at FOCUS it wasn’t good for my and Christine’s long term health and marital stability. I’m tired and worn out. I’d taken on to much responsibility working as a “co-worker” rather than an “apprentice”. (This was a mistake I made in my thinking as I went into MTS). I have much to learn and have made many mistakes. Please know that I’ve thought and prayed long and hard spent many nights lying awake thinking about this.
I’d like to thank you very much for all the support you’ve given me. You have enabled me to do a great work at FOCUSutas. As I discussed leaving FOCUSutas I was amazed my work has affected so many people. For this I owe thanks to God but also to you, the people who have supported me with prayer and finances for the last 12 months.
Financially AFES will finish paying me at the end of February 2008. From this date financial contributions on my behalf to AFES should be end. If you’d like to continue to financially support me please transfer your support over to Crossroads Presbyterian Church. (Crossroads Presbyterian Church BSB: 067 100, Account number: 10209867).
If you have any questions or queries or just like an ear to listen please feel free to drop me a line anytime.
Cheers and God Bless
Mike and Christine Jolly
This all sounds rather dramatic mate. Let's hear about some of the good stuff in store for you through the 'roadies.
Praying for you.