Meetings that rock...
31 December 2007
I hate dead meetings... and unsurprsingly so do students. Very often in the past they have been long and boring but we're out to change all that. In the latter part of the the year the FOCUS Committee has had a blast. I blogged about our last meeting in the hot-tub.
Our most recent meeting accoured a few weeks ago (haven't been able to blog because of my computer issues). For this one we went down to Damon's father-in-laws house at beautiful Kettering. Below is a picture of the catamaran he is building.
At the meeting we covered some new material on the job descriptions for various roles on the Committee. We also covered general responsiblities and requirements of committee members.Judging from my the photo above of morning tea you'll see there was food and lots of it. Then followed by a BBQ lunch. I'm ready to declare 2008 the year of meetings that rock at FOCUS.
All the work that Damo and I have put into the FOCUS is begining to pay off. The students seem to be 100% behind the new look Committee which has been a great encouragement. It's great to have a bunch of students who can't wait to get stuck into FOCUS for 2008. This has definately been one of the highlights of the year.
tags christian, focus, friends, ministry, pictures, update
Pretty please warm us when you are about to take photos !!! :)
"Warn" us I mean!
Yes, those lenses are COLD!