30 April 2007
The FOCUS events just keep coming...
This afternoon a bunch of us went to give blood at the Red Cross. Now I was very nervous partly because last time I was there my now ex girlfriend almost fainted. So I very apprehensively joined a few of the FOCUS girls* to give blood.
It wasn't too bad although the needle hurt when they pulled it out. I now feel really tough... like the real man that I am (it's ok I tagged this as shameless self promotion).
Today was also the first FOCUS prayer evening. We had about nine people in total not a great showing but we had a pretty cool vibe. We spent a good time praying for FOCUS the Uni and the work of other groups like FOCUS around Oz.
Thanks to Tim again who ran and organised the evening. Next semester I reckon we're going to have a blood giving evening especially for the wussy guys.
*Where were wussy blokes?
tags christian, focus, friends, ministry, shameless self promotion
It's funny only girls gave blood, given that blokes have more blood, higher iron levels and all that, and so can afford to give blood more than girls can. BUT anyway...
However we only had one girl at the prayer night... so the fellas almost made up for it.
Prayer is more important than giving blood so the men are way in front.
So it's ok to be a wuss if you pray then... ;)