That hat!
19 June 2006
"You’re not going out with that s**t on your head?" Says my brother with a tone so disdainful it could melt lettuce.
I’m about to head out to Retro drink coffee and "pretend to be arty" with this hat on my head. It's a genuine old mans hat which was left at my Dad's church in lost property for a couple of years before being rescued.
I try to be deliberately memorable when I dress. This is for a number of reasons. Firstly as a Christian I want as many people to know about the gift Christ has given me in sending Jesus to die on my behalf.Getting people to remember who I am by being an individual is one step along this path. It's not a cynical ploy. I’m a friendly guy and I love making new friends and chatting to people regardless of whether they want to talk about the big things in life or not.
Secondly people who are a little weird or individual are less threatening to talk to. By being different I’m less threatening. I get looks and smiles from people in the street all the time.
Thirdly I enjoy it. It works
tags christian, ministry tips, pictures, shameless self promotion, thinking
scarves are "hot"
I think it looks like a fine hat!
I suits you mike, and your jacket is a 'friendly' jacket too. A little bi 'please look after this bear thankyou'. And I'm so glad you've stopped wearing shorts in winter!!!
Hubba hubba!
I am pro the hat. But then again, my view probably doesn't count because I'm one of those wierd people who like to wear wierd clothes...
That hat is great, especially for evangelistic purposes.
a good hat mike, you can't go wrong with that.
Yeah the hat is trendy, but i think a "black" one would better.
1. no
2. no
Well Mike, I know you are friendly but I've never thought about you being in the habit of dressing strangely :). You tend to look pretty normal to me.