I'm NOT a SNAG... evidence

  1. I drink straight from the bottle. (I'd have to wash a cup if I drank out of it)
  2. I sometimes skip showers.
  3. Sometimes I'm about as sensitive as a shedgehammer in a china cabinet.
  4. I'm a bad listener.
  5. I have two gardening tools; a chainsaw and a whipper snipper.
  6. According to Seumas "I just don't fit the catagory". Is he wrong? And Can you trust a Moore College student with orange hair?



Anonymous said... 6/14/2006 9:37 pm  

right now my hair is a plain brown and a normalised style, so cleary I must be trustworthy.

oh for summer, when I hope to dye it red or something.

Mike is not a SNAG. you heard it right.

- Seumas

Anonymous said... 6/14/2006 10:51 pm  

unfortunately, the areas I can vouch for are true. I won;t say which ones...

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