Day off well sort of

I don't really like public holidays. Let me explain why. I work three days a week (Monday to Wednesday) This means that when there is public holiday on a Monday all our work falls a day behind (yes window don’t stop getting dirty on public holidays). This in turn means that I get to Wednesday night and I still have to work another day. *sigh* Consequently it feels like a four day working week.

I took it easy most of today as it was a public holiday. Slept in as best I could (6:30am). My body isn't used to Mondays mornings like this. My day was very productive I sorted through a 200ish email contacts. I’m sending it to ask them to supportMIKE. I moved many of them from my old Hotmail address to my new Gmail one (no easy task). Anyway my monster group email is almost ready to rip and I’m waiting on permission from the Crossroads elders.

I also wrote a longish paper on my experiences and thoughts from seven years of work with under privileged Aboriginal Australians. I my blog it in several parts (as it’s long). Some other blog posts I’m planning for the future include my run down on NT prophecy and more thoughts on the Holy Spirit and what speaking in tongues are. Peace out



Anonymous said... 6/13/2006 10:50 am  

i ought to have that critique for you by the end of the week

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