The DaVinci Code
26 May 2006
I have to say I found this film a little disappointing and predictable. Firstly though the positive. The acting was generally well done. I especially liked Sophie Neveu's character played by Audrey Tautou... although maybe that is because I like attractive brunettes.... In any case I digress. The dialogue was also mostly good although there were a couple of lines that seemed a little cheesy. The sets and scenery special effects were really well done. I especially liked the fading/dissolve between ancient world and the present. Locations were cool as well. Generally the plot was pretty good and I thought the whole conspiracy theory thing was kinda a cool idea for a film (very much “fiction”) but still kinda cool.
Interestingly came away from this film wanting to read the book. I’ll try and explain. I think many of the plot devices which the movie portrayed would have come through much better in the book. It had heaps of complex plot lines and twists and turns. Too many in my book. These ideas are for the world of the novel where the reader can read and re-read the ideas. But in the movie there were too many plot twists in the movie. Each time you thought you’d reached the climax of the movie it would start building again. It felt like it had four or five climaxes rather than one. . It felt like the end of The Return of the King where the ending dragged on and on. Which climax was I supposed to get most excited about? In the end I couldn’t be bothered any more and was hanging out for the end. Don’t get me wrong I like plot twists eg. Fight Club and Seven. It just didn’t work for the Da Vinci Code.
All in all I give it 2.5 chickens out of five. Not worth seeing at the cinema but something wait and rent on dvd. Maybe I'll post a more Christian response later.
tags christian, review, stupid award, thinking
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