Brain, Mush, Context

Once again my brain has turned to mush. Getting over and dealing with things after this latest breakup have been much more difficult that I had anticipated. Once agin I feel like crying but I just can't. For the visual learners above is my mood described in picture form.

I was also told that I should do longer posts and while I'm not personally a fan I did write some thoughts this morning before my brain exploded. Enjoy.

Context, context, context.
I remember hearing John Sfaran talk about a movie critics quote “could have been a comic triumph” shortened to “comic triumph” for a ‘shout line’ on the publicity poster. You get the point context is important.

One of the verses in the Bible I have mis-quoted the most would have to be this one
“I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13)

I’ve seen this verse treated like a magic cure all, unfailingly, and miraculously healing Christians from sickness and disease. It’s like we’re converted into unbreakable Christian super heroes able to jump buildings in a single bound cause everything is possible.

Before I go on I must make one disclaimer. There is a sense in which with God’s strength all things are possible but here we must ask the question is this actually what the verse is saying. I think the answer is no.

So lets look at the context of Philippians. We can see as he writes Paul is clearly experiencing trouble and persecution eg. 1:12 and 1:20-30. He is in chains, people have slagged him off and yet he is able to rejoice. What incredible strength. This brings us to 4:12. We see that Paul has learned the secret in any and every situation. That is whether in good circumstances or bad whether free or in chains, persecuted or praised, ship wreaked, betrayed, slagged off or suffering he is content.

But what is the secret to being content in such difficult times? The secret is that what ever circumstances arise he can deal with them, and be content because it is Christ who gives him the strength to cope and persevere with what is thrown his way.

I think this view has better implications. God doesn’t just give us an unrealistic freedom or escapism from the pressures of this life rather he gives us Christ’s strength to cope with what ever comes or way. I know that when things in my life have turned to crap God has always been right there giving me the strength to cope. May Paul’s secret be my and your secret to contentment in times of difficulty.



Anonymous said... 5/15/2006 10:34 am  

break-up... sorry to hear.
praying for you bro.


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